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⚡ Which Notion block types are supported?

HelpKit supports most blocks from Notion. Find out which work and which don't

Supported Blocks

Hello World 👋

This help article is written in Notion and is a part of powered by HelpKit.

Let's see what you can do with HelpKit 🚀...

Basic Blocks


You can write paragraphs like you normally would. The text you are currently reading is a paragraph. As you can see, all types of annotations are supported – bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, inline code, different text color, different text background or combinations of these.


All of the headings (H1, H2, H3) that are in Notion are supported by HelpKit

Here are the examples of how they look:

H1 Section

H2 Sub Section

H3 Sub Sub Section


Bulleted List

You can also add lists as bullet points:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Numbered List

Maybe you want them to be numbered. You can do that as well.

  1. Item 1
  1. Item 2
  1. Item 3


You can even add quotes to your post which looks like this.

"This is a quote".


You can even separate two blocks of content with a divider 👇


You can also make something standout by using a callout like this.

A great way to emphasize your content

You can also use different highlight colors and multi lines if you have long enough content.

Like we we have right here ツ

External Link

You can add inline external links that will get opened in a separate window.

We also support the link mention block: Link iconThe Ultimate Help Center Best Practices | Help Center Academy

Internal Link

You can also add an internal inline link to another help article that will smoothly transition to each other. Alternatively you can also use a page link to another help article like so:

Code Snippets

You can add your code snippets to your blog post. This might be very useful to you if you are writing technical blog posts.

const x = 2
let y = 1

You can also give your code block a caption and then it will appear automagically attached to the code. Your users also can copy and paste the code to their clipboard.

const object = {
		title: null,
		date: '01-01-2022'

object.title = 'Check out the name and copy to clipboard button at the top'

You can emphasize the caption text as well and make it feel like a real coding snippet.

const object = {
		title: null,
		date: '01-01-2022'

object.title = 'Check out the name and copy to clipboard button at the top'

Math Equations

You can also use Latex math equations via block equations:


Or also via inline math equations such as the hash within the transaction is in fact a Hash Chain structure, as it is built by the successive application of a hash function h(), n times to the input x and additional information :



Easily add bookmarks to your blog post.



You can upload your own image (or paste any image url) and view that here.

A wonderful caption to this image
A wonderful caption to this image

You can also add captions to your images 👆


Complex Layouts

You can even create some complex layouts of images, or any other Notion block really on your HelpKit knowledge base.

This is an
This is an image caption
Notion image
Notion image

Nesting works just fine.

It is also responsive.


Magic Table built with complex layout


Title 1

Row 1

Row 2

Title 2

Row 2

Row 2

Title 3

Row 3

Row 2


Simple Table

Header A
Header B
Header C
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3
Cell 4
Cell 5
Cell 6


You can toggle me

…and uncover more hidden things

Notion image


Third Party Videos

Want to show a Youtube video on your help center article? You can do that. Most of the other popular video embeds such as Loom, Vimeo, Wistia etc. work too.

Notion Uploaded Videos

HelpKit also supports videos that have been uploaded to your Notion workspace. We automagically cache your uploaded videos for faster loading times. Currently, we support video file sizes of up to 300MB. In general, we recommend you to use a third party video provider such as Youtube for larger size videos.


Notion Uploaded Video and Audio files are available under our Professional plan.



Similarly, HelpKit supports Notion uploaded audio files.



Please note that files such as PDFs or other file types that are uploaded via Notion itself currently do not work. We are working on a solution to make this possible in the near-time future. If you need this feature, please reach out and let us know so we can prioritize it.

Synced Blocks


You can also use sync blocks to avoid content duplication. Sync blocks allow you to re-use the same notion blocks throughout all of your documents.


🚀 This is the origin sync block.

This is a callout block within the origin sync block

Sync block from above (imagine it would be pasted into another page):

🚀 This is the origin sync block.

This is a callout block within the origin sync block


There is still a lot more you can do with your HelpKit powered knowledge base. If you have any feedback or want HelpKit to support an embed that isn't yet supported, reach out to me at

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