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Setting up Slack notifications

Learn how to set up Slack notifications to get notified about events from your knowledge base

You can receive messages in Slack whenever events in your knowledge base such as new article feedback gets triggered. To setup Slack alerts all you need is to provide HelpKit with your Slack webhook URL.

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1. Create an app in Slack

Go to the Slack developer dashboard and create a new app for your workspace. Select From an app manifest and paste the following text into the YAML editor:

Copy and paste this YAML code into your Slack app manifest
  name: HelpKit Notifications
  description: Alerts from your HelpKit project
  background_color: "#6a29e3"
    display_name: HelpKit Notifications
    always_online: true
      - incoming-webhook
  org_deploy_enabled: false
  socket_mode_enabled: false
  token_rotation_enabled: false

This code will automatically setup the HelpKit Slack app for you. You can read more about the Slack app manifest here if your are curious.

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2. Create a webhook in Slack

Go to the Incoming Webhooks page for your newly-created app and make sure Activate Incoming Webhooks is toggled on.

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Then click on Add New Webhook to Workspace and select the channel that the alerts will be sent to. Lastly copy the new Webhook URL to your clipboard.

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If you want you can freely customize your Slack app looks and add the HelpKit logo as the Slack app icon. Download the HelpKit logo from here.


3. Connect your webhook to HelpKit

Navigate to your HelpKit dashboard. Under Settings/Alerts first toggle on Enable Alerts. You can always disable alerts here as well. Next, paste your Slack webhook URL from your clipboard into the corresponding field and click Send Test Alert. Open Slack and check if the test alert has successfully arrived in your channel. Lastly, hit the save settings button.

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Currently available knowledge base events

At the current moment, HelpKit will send a new alert to your Slack channel for the following events:

  • New help article reaction vote
  • New help article feedback comment
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