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Changing your site's background and accent colors

Learn how to customize your header and accent color so that it perfectly matches your brand

Customizing your header and accent background to match your brand colors is super simple. Please just follow these steps:


In dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Settings page
  1. Click on Look & Data
  1. Toggle the Header Style section
  1. Pick your header and accent colors
  1. Hit the Save button

πŸ“½ Video Instruction:

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Where is the background color displayed?

Your background color gets displayed on your HelpKit website as well as your widget.

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The background color is displayed on your widget as well as your Helpkit website
The background color is displayed on your widget as well as your Helpkit website

Where is the accent color displayed?

The accent color is used for the left border on your article cards as well as the text color of your article links.

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Notion image
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